Intelligent collaboration
Intelligent collaboration
Intelligent collaboration
全新 Bitrix24 Synergy 為您帶來團隊合作的未來 — 完美結合經典的協作工具與 AI 的強大功能。
與外部用戶在 Collabs 中協作,使用 Boards 進行創意腦力激盪,透過 CoPilot Follow-Up 從通話中提取可行的建議,並利用資源預訂功能將您的服務排好排滿。
The new Bitrix24 Synergy brings to you the future of teamwork
— a perfect blend of the tried-and-true collaboration tools and the power of AI. Work together with external users in Collabs, use Boards for creative brainstorming, extract actionable insights from your calls with CoPilot Follow-Up, and keep your calendar full with Resource Booking.
Bitrix24 collab
Bitrix24 Collab 是一種全新且便捷的方式,讓您與外部用戶(如自由職業者、承包商、客戶等)進行協作。
Bitrix24 Collab 讓每個人在團隊協作和溝通方面達成共識
Bitrix24 collab
Designed to unite teams and power collaboration
Bitrix24 Collab is a new, convenient way for you to collaborate with external users (freelancers, contractors, clients, etc.). All the project-related chats, video calls, files, and tasks stay inside your account, which allows foreasier control and tighter security.
A place where you can collaborate with external teams and clients
Our AI-powered assistant CoPilot can now use default and custom sales scripts to train your sales team by analyzing their inbound and outbound calls in CRM and providing recommendations.
AI 語音分析
我們的 AI 助理 CoPilot 現在可以使用預設和自訂銷售腳本,透過分析 CRM 中的呼入和呼出電話,提供建議來協助培訓您的銷售團隊
AI Speech analytics and Sales scripts
Bitrix24 Collab is a new, convenient way for you to collaborate with external users (freelancers, contractors, clients, etc.). All the project-related chats, video calls, files, and tasks stay inside your account, which allows foreasier control and tighter security.
Different scripts for various client segments
Automatic and manual modes
Word-for-word call transcription
Detailed analysis + recommendations
在您的手機上體驗新的 BITRIX24
Experience new Bitrix24 on your phone
透過 Bitrix24 Booking 充分運用您的資源
Coming soon
Resource Booking
Make the most of your resources with Bitrix24 Booking – a tool that allows you and your clients to book appointments, keeping your calendar full and your clients notified.
由 2 個或更多使用者即時編輯
Resource availability schedule
Multiple resource booking (people, equipment, etc.)
Real-time edits by 2 or more users
Multiple bookings for one client
Ideal for businesses that rely on appointments
Coming soon
CoPilot Follow-Up
CoPilot Follow-Up
This new, AI-powered tool transcribes your video calls and analyzes them, providing you with a call summary anda list of recommendations for further improvement.
Unbiased AI call analysis
No need to write anything down
More focused and efficient video calls
Great way to increase team productivity
Coming soon
Bitrix24 Boards,這是一種線上協作工具,專為規劃複雜項目、協作新想法、可視化工作流程等而設計
Coming soon
Introducing Boards in Bitrix24, an online collaboration tool designed for mapping out complex projects, collaborating on fresh ideas, visualizing workflows, and more.
20+ 模板
每塊板最多可容納 40 萬個對象
可從 Miro 導入
Bitrix24 內部的安全協作
Unlimited boards and members
20+ board
Up to 400,000 objects per board
Import boards from Miro
Secure collaboration inside your Bitrix24
New Company Structure
The visually updated and completely reworked Company Structure section allows you to manage your internal hierarchy and access permissions easier than ever.
Redesigned interface
Role-based access permissions
Departments and sub-departments
Employees can hold multiple positions
Coming soon
AI-generated websites
Coming soon
AI-generated websites
我們的 AI 助理 CoPilot 現在可以根據簡單的提示創建完整的網站。使用提示中提供的訓息,CoPilot 將設計出合適的網站設計、文案、圖片和網頁表單
- 無需編碼技能
- 高質量圖片
- 引人注目的文案
- 幾分鐘內即可完成的網站
- 適合特別優惠和限時促銷
Our AI assistant CoPilot allows you now to create a complete website based on as little as a prompt. Using the information provided in the prompt, CoPilot will come up with an appropriate website design, copy, images, and web forms.
- No coding skills required
- High-quality images
- Compelling copy
- Ready-made website in a few minutes
- Ideal for special offers and flash sales
BI Builder improvements
BI Builder improvements
New dashboards are now available in BI Builder: create reports on employee efficiency and involvement in tasks. Plus, you can now upload your own data in the format CSV to BI Builder.
- 5 new dashboards
- Track employee efficiency and involvement
- Import custom data in CSV
- Workflow analytics
- Connect external data sources via Rest API
BI Builder 現在提供新的儀表板:創建有關員工效率和任務參與度的報告。此外,您現在可以將自己的數據以 CSV 格式上傳到 BI Builder
- 5 個新儀表板
- 追踪員工效率和參與度
- 匯入自定義 CSV 格式數據
- 工作流程分析
- 通過 Rest API 連接外部資料來源
AI-powered Flows
Coming soon
AI-powered Flows
透過 CoPilot 即時分析您的流程,您可以獲得 AI 生成的流程效率報告和提高效率的建議。這使您能夠在潛在瓶頸影響團隊生產力之前識別並解決它們
- AI 驅動的流程分析與建議
- 新型任務分配:自我分配任務
- BI Builder 中的流程報告
With CoPilot analyzing your flows in real-time, you can get AI-generated reports on flow efficiency and recommendations on how to increase it. This allows you to identify and fix potential bottlenecks before they could affect your team productivity.
- AI-powered flow analysis + recommendations
- New type of task distribution: self-assign tasks
- Flows reports in BI Builder
Coming soon
Role-based access permissions in CRM
Role-based access permissions in CRM
Now you can assign access permissions in CRM based on an employee's role (sales rep, department manager, administrator), restricting their ability to view, edit, or modify CRM elements.
- Granular level access permissions
- Custom deal view
- Custom fields in deals
- Full control over your sales and client data
現在,您可以根據員工的角色(銷售代表、部門經理、管理員)在 CRM 中分配權限,限制他們查看、編輯或修改 CRM 的能力
- 詳細訪問權限
- 自定義交易視圖
- 交易中的自定義字段
- 全面控制您的銷售和客戶數據
Improved Bitrix24 Sync
Improved Bitrix24 Sync
透過性能優化,我們的 Bitrix24 Sync可讓您在會議中容納多達 1,000 名參與者,同時在螢幕分享期間,保持高質量畫面
- 內置 AI 功能(Follow-Up)
- 最多 1,000 名參與者
- 無時間限制
With the improved performance, our Bitrix24 Sync allows you to have up to 1,000 participants on a single while maintaining high quality picture, especially during screen sharing.
- Built-in AI capabilities (Follow-Up)
- Up to 1,000 participants
- No time limit
Intelligent collaboration
Intelligent collaboration
Intelligent collaboration